Wednesday 10 February 2010

Title: 'Healing and Recovery Requests'

Especially For: Judy, Ronnie and Jackie 
Also For: Amanda, Tom, Pauline, Jenny, Elaine, Debbie, Maria, Kevin and Maggie.

My Dearest and Beloved Mother/Father God,
You are the creator of the Universe, and the Divine creator for every living person, including all of the above named people. Heavenly Power, you know each and every one of these people individually. You know and understand their needs. You see their upset and broken places, and you also see and know how they can be fully whole again. It is not my place to judge any person or their condition, but to ask for your Divine Glory to be revealed in the life of each of these people, who have requested prayer. The love in them wants communion with you Lord. Especially at this time, be with each and everyone of them Lord. May they uphold you and your word Lord. May they experience your divine intercession upon their lives, so that they can testify to your presence and Glory.

These people have come to me for guidance in their daily lives, and I am surrendering them into your loving arms and care, Lord. Please minister to each one Lord. There is one that is particularly plagued with demons right now. Please deliver her from evil doing, as Christ Jesus delivered so many from demonic influences during his 3 year ministry, and even after death through his disciples. I am a disciple of Christ and a channel for you Lord. I ask that within 3 weeks, a distinct and definite transformation for good, occurs with these your children, particularly where Jackie is concerned. So much so that they can't wait to give testimony about your wondrous works, and amazing salvation in their lives.

Thank you for listening to this prayer, for galvanizing angelic intervention and completing this prayer request in a manner that is for the greatest good of all concerned and for the sake of, all that Christ Jesus sacrificed His life. Amen!

Love and Light
Rev.Bola A.

*Holy Spirit Services - Int

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