Saturday 25 December 2010

Title: 'Caring For The Elderly'

The Bible says in:-

Psalms 71:9
Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.

Romans 15:1
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Dear God,
It is clearly your will, that we look after our elderly folk. Aging is a process that everyone of us will encounter. As the body gets older, sometimes it begins to lose some of its functionality through the wear and tear of living.
Today I pray that we remember all of our elderly folk. We thank you for the positive contributions that each and every elderly person has made to our lives.
In the hustle and bustle of life help us to remember them lord. Give us the strength and resources to care for our elderly Lord.
Help them not to be left out of regular daily living, but to continue to be as important to us as they are to you Lord. Please bring relief to all those who may be lonely, bored, rejected, forgotten or struggling Lord, including those who may have lost their will to live. Bless them with a renewed zest for life.
Remind them Oh God of how much they are deeply loved, and appreciated. Help all those people around elderly folk to treat them with the respect, dignity and tenderness that they all deserve.
Teach us to value all our elders, and to assist them in gracefully ageing. I pray today that all elderly folk may live out their last days in joy, peace, comfort, serenity and loving companionship. This I ask in Christ Jesus mighty name. Amen.

I thank you so much for answering this prayer request.

Much Love

Monday 20 December 2010

Title: 'Today I Thank You God'

Dear God,
Despite all of Satan's relentless attacks on me and on my life,
I still find it amazing, and I thank you....

1. For all the prayers of mine that you have already answered so far, and continue to answer.
2. For my body's health and all it is still able to do.
3. For all the good working teeth I still have.
4. For still being able to move my body around and walk about freely.
5. For all my physical senses still being sharp, and my 6th sense getting even sharper.
6. That my memory and brain cells are still workin well.
7. That my skin, hair and nails are still healthy.
8. That all my physical needs continue to be met more than adequately.
9. That I have a safe, clean and orderly home to rest in.
10. For all the numerous educational resources I have so much access to.
11. For all the care and respect from others I still experience in my life.
12. For all the acknowledgement and admiration from others that I have experienced to date.
13. For all the kind thoughts and actions that I have experienced from others in my life so far.
14. For all the opportunities I have had to laugh with joy.
15. For all the beauty in nature that I have witnessed.
16. For all the art I have enjoyed in my life.
17. For all the music I have enjoyed listening to, dancing to, singing to and playing.
18. For all the poetry, creative writing and other communications that I have exchanged.
19. For all the good stuff my parents were able to do for me.
20. For all the great knowledge and information about life I have had imparted to me.
21. For all the Spiritual development I have experienced, in particular.
22. For all the genuine acts of friendship I have experienced.
23. For all those things and people who have literally helped save my life and kept me sane.
24. For all the honesty and steadfastness from people I have had so far.
25. For all the simple acts of kindness granted me everywhere, known or unknown.
26. For the many gifts and presents I have received throughout my life including the gift of life itself.
27. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness that I have received from others.
28. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness that I have received from you.
29. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness I have received from my family members.
30. For all the narrow escapes I have had.
31. For all the occasions, people, things and situations I have been able to celebrate including birthdays, weddings, Christmases, New years, graduations, promotions, qualifications... etc...etc...
32. For all the cars I have owned and  been able to drive safely.
33. For all the physical travelling I have done in my life so far, and the safety in reaching my destinations.
34. For all the recoveries from stuckness, loss, illness, pain, suffering, mistakes, ignorance or lack that I have experienced.
35. For all the lies and fear I have overcome.
36. For all the opportunities to lead and teach others, that I have been given and used.
37. For all the shared wisdom and joyful experiences I have had with others.
38. For all the difficulties and hard times I have overcome and the ability to turn my negatives into positives.
39. For Christ, Christianity, The bible, The Churches and Christian discipleship.
40. For great mentors to emulate.
 With Love
Rev.Bola A.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Title:'God's Perfect Timing'

My Dearest God

You have said in the scriptures: Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

So, today I am praying on behalf of my time schedule.
First I thank you for the time on earth that I have been given.
Time is so precious Lord, and I ask for your forgiveness of my past time wasting.
For those times when I was doing things I did not need to be doing; and was not doing that which I did need to be doing, I humbly ask your forgiveness.
I thank you God, for helping me realise the importance of the present moment, and that 'Now' is all I really have. Please help me use my present time wisely. May my time always be your time Lord, and vice versa
I pray to have only the highest quality of 'Now' moments.
Thank you so much for helping me organise and improve my schedule. What a different life I now have, since allowing you more charge over my time. I so value your assistance in cutting out those activities that are not constructive, and in fine tuning the time I have, towards those things which are for the greatest and highest good. I want to experience joy in my afterlife review, in the knowledge that I have used my time wisely.
Help me to consistently create time each day for You, sufficient for prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Help me to give my time appropriately to the right people, things and situations, and to always have my priorities right. Lead me away from time wasters lord, and uneccesary useless activities. Surround me with people who value time, yours and my time. Surround me with people who encourage me to use my time wisely in service to You. Help me dear God to always be on time and in time. Help me to pace myself adequately, so that I never feel the need to rush myself or other people. Release me Oh lord, from the franticness of the world, and its activity overload. Help me to set and honor time boundaries and limits.
May I be competent yet relaxed Oh God for I am aware that there is much  heaven to accomplish here.
Our Lord Christ Jesus achieved so much in the short period of time He was on earth. I ask to be like Christ with my time,. Doing things in their right order and season, and not getting sidetracked.  Help me to manage my communications, my phone calls, my email boxes, letters etc in a timely manner, and to be respectful of other people's timing. Help me Oh Lord to handle all my online activities and businesses in a orderly and sensible manner, without feeling overwhelmed. If there are activities I need to stop doing, then please help me to stop doing them.Grant me the patience to deal with others, when their timing may be different to mine.
I pray most of all today and always to be in sync with divine timing, so that life flows most naturally.
I request your loving hand of protection and grace upon my time and timing ability, dear God.
May I be best friends with the Divine spirit of Time now and always, in Christ Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

I thank you so much in advance for receiving this prayer.

With All Earnest and Feeling
Pastor Bola A. (Sun.16.5.10)


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Sunday 21 February 2010

Title: 'A Relationship Prayer'

For my clients:
Especially Sharon, Julia, Liz, Maria and also the men to whom, they are emotionally attached.

Dear Archangel Raphael, and the heavenly host,
I humbly ask that you kindly intercede on behalf of all my clients and particularly the above named. Help them now, in their choices of life partners. Help them to know, and to follow only the path of love, so that they never give in, to the temptation to settle for second best. Or to make weak choices that might cause them to to use another, or be used by another to serve unhealthy ends. Help them to know and to meet partners, only as complete and fulfilled people, so that they never fall into the trap of trying to make another their reason for living. Keep them safe from addictive, violent and destructive relationships. Give them the patience and trust to understand that the relationships which are meant for them will come to them. Give them the strength to withstand the lessons that may be part of the path, of the relationship meant for their highest good.
Thank you so much for answering this prayer request. In Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen!!!

Peace and Light
Rev. Bola A.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Monday 8 February 2010

Title: 'Prayer For MyTRUE Self'

For My True Self,
I ask for forgiveness for the way I have allowed others to mistreat you and abuse you for their own selfish ends.Whether they have pretended to do it in the name of God, or for other reasons, I know that God would never sanction that others misuse, mistreat or emotionally abuse you in the fulfillment of His mission. Please forgive me for any weakness I have shown in dealing with such people and such situations, in the name of peace and quiet. I have not stood up for you or spoken up for you to certain people in authority when I should have, because I thought to do so would offend them. However they did not seem to be concerned about offending you, or about your feelings, and I have allowed this to happen repeatedly.

I take full responsibility for my transgression against you, and I ask for your forgiveness. I also ask for your help and God's help in finding a way to honor and protect you while also having a peaceful relationship with others. I ask for help to be true to you, and the courage to stand up for what is fair, without  being labeled or misunderstood as a trouble maker.

I pray to God that others, especially those in official positions of authority may be more aware of when and  how they are mistreating you, and become accountable for their actions, without blaming anyone else. I pray that myself as well as others, will have the grace of heart to desist from such unfair behavior towards you in future. Further I ask for Divine and angelic intercession and intervention in this very painful matter, so that all unfair projection, selfishness, manipulative behavior, fakeness, denial, and cover up at your energetic expense may cease, and that your side of things, your truth, and the truth may now be openly and clearly visible to all; and that fairness and justice prevails in the name of God and for Christ's sake. Amen!

I ask for the divine will and grace to handle such matters more smoothly without creating undue stress to you, in a way that is to the highest goodness, and greatest joy of all concerned. I ask, not to need to prove that I am right, but to merely be seen to be right when I actually am, so that clarity about you, manifests in all situations and at all times. I ask for Divine intervention so that any desire to dump the responsibility for other people's sins or bad behavior on you now ceases to be so. Jesus already did that job at the Cross of Calvary, and no one else now needs to do it again. We don't need to keep crucifying you. May this stop now Father/Mother God, in Jesus mighty name, May it stop now!

I know for certain, that my prayers are being heard. I sense the Angels galvanizing right now, to assist me in this matter. I thank my God that this is so. I know that God is always a winner and never a loser, and that this matter is therefore, completely solved, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Haleluja...To God Be The Glory!

Love and Light - Rev.Bola

Thursday 4 February 2010

Title: 'A Prayer For My Clients'

Dear God,
I surrender the following people into your divine care. Please heal them of all their unwanted concerns, and enfold them in your infinite peace and light, that they may all come to know your awesome love, as a living reality now and forevermore.

Jan, Michelle, Monika, Lena, Julie, Sam, Natalie, Gogina, Nicki, Susan, Maria, Alex, Leanna, Paul, Vera, Gitty, Steve, Helen. 

In Christ Jesus mighty name.  Amen!

Love Rev.Bola A

Thursday 28 January 2010

Title: 'Brad, Angie and Children' - Prayer

My Dear Holy Spirit
I give thanks, that you love every single one of your children, without favoritism or prejudice.
I bring before you today, the lives of Brad, Angie and their 6 kids
Lord, the celebrity life style can sometimes be quite challenging for those who live within it. Stories, rumours and innuendos abound, and sometimes even malicious gossip, that can be quite painful to deal with, especially where privacy becomes an issue. 
Heavenly Father I bring this family before you, and ask that you enfold them, with your loving kindness. I pray that all the love and joy they have ever felt for one another, continues to grow in abundance, and that the flame of aspiration for the future, with which they started out, remains as bright as when it was first lit, for this family.
I pray for both Angie and Brad, that the communication and affection between them, continues steadfast. I pray that any disagreements they may have, be easily and swiftly resolved between them. I pray for peace, joy, healing, serenity and understanding to be their daily portion. I pray that any unhappiness, anger, worry, jealousy, distrust or distress, that may be lingering around this couple and their family, be completely dissolved in Jesus mighty name. 
I pray that, as Brad and Angelina have consistently shown so much love, consideration and kindness to the suffering people of the world, that they too in return will experience abundant love, consideration and kindness for themselves and for their family. May all bitterness, all strife, all pain end now and completely, for these precious souls.
May they experience daily, all their spiritual nourishment from you Lord; and your Divine Protection, from any and all persons or forces who may wish to cause them harm.
 Forgive them Lord their transgressions against you, and indeed their trespasses against one another. Lead them away from negativity and evil, and towards your everlasting Light.
May they continuously experience your kingdom, your power, your love, your glory, and salvation. 
Now and forever more. Amen!

.....In Christ's mighty name I pray. 
Peace, love and light Rev.Bola A

                 'Brad, Angie and Children' - (Art by Rev.Bola)


Thursday 21 January 2010

Title: 'Today's 'Winning Prayer'

My Beloved Holy Spirit
This day, I affirm by you that...
Every success I achieve fuels in me the desire for more.
I can achieve anything that I can imagine. 
I have the ability to visualize every aspect of my success. 
My ability is greater than any challenge I could face.
In Christ Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

With all my Love--Rev. Bola A.


Tuesday 5 January 2010

Title: 'The Love of God' - Prayer

The love of God enfolds me
The love of God surrounds me
The love of God saturates me
The love of God upholds me
The love of God strengthens me
The love of God comforts me
The love of God cheers me
The love of God restores me
The love of God calms me
The love of God consoles me
The love of God guides me
The love of God protects me
The love of God cleanses me
The love of God frees me
The love of God fulfills me
The love of God heals me
The love of God uplifts me
The love of God embraces me
The love of God envelopes me
The love of God fills me
The love of God shines in me
And eternally sustains me

 (Prayer by Magdolene Mogyorosi)

Prayer Art and Visual Talismans by Rev.Bola A.


Title: 'Because He Is Our Creator'

*Special Request For:-
Chamara, Nazeem, George, Paulette, sister Florence, the STCHG Committee, Catalyst and Nathan.

Lord, we worship You as the Creator of the Universe. All things were made by You and everything you created is good. I praise You for all of your beautiful creations and the wonderful souls mentioned above. Thank you that you have blessed their lives with sun, rain, food and water, land sea, trees and flowers. Thank you that you have blessed them with good health, wisdom, intelligence and many loving characteristics. Thank you Lord that you have blessed these your loving children, with the ability to do better and better for you with each new day. May they be a glory on to you Lord, now and always. You have founded them, and they are wonderfully made in your image. May they have the fullest understanding and knowledge of what that means, and joyfully act accordingly in all areas of their lives. May they be continuously filled to the brim with your eternal grace. For Christ's sake.

By Rev.Bola A. (5Jan'10)
Holy Spirit Services - Int