Monday 20 December 2010

Title: 'Today I Thank You God'

Dear God,
Despite all of Satan's relentless attacks on me and on my life,
I still find it amazing, and I thank you....

1. For all the prayers of mine that you have already answered so far, and continue to answer.
2. For my body's health and all it is still able to do.
3. For all the good working teeth I still have.
4. For still being able to move my body around and walk about freely.
5. For all my physical senses still being sharp, and my 6th sense getting even sharper.
6. That my memory and brain cells are still workin well.
7. That my skin, hair and nails are still healthy.
8. That all my physical needs continue to be met more than adequately.
9. That I have a safe, clean and orderly home to rest in.
10. For all the numerous educational resources I have so much access to.
11. For all the care and respect from others I still experience in my life.
12. For all the acknowledgement and admiration from others that I have experienced to date.
13. For all the kind thoughts and actions that I have experienced from others in my life so far.
14. For all the opportunities I have had to laugh with joy.
15. For all the beauty in nature that I have witnessed.
16. For all the art I have enjoyed in my life.
17. For all the music I have enjoyed listening to, dancing to, singing to and playing.
18. For all the poetry, creative writing and other communications that I have exchanged.
19. For all the good stuff my parents were able to do for me.
20. For all the great knowledge and information about life I have had imparted to me.
21. For all the Spiritual development I have experienced, in particular.
22. For all the genuine acts of friendship I have experienced.
23. For all those things and people who have literally helped save my life and kept me sane.
24. For all the honesty and steadfastness from people I have had so far.
25. For all the simple acts of kindness granted me everywhere, known or unknown.
26. For the many gifts and presents I have received throughout my life including the gift of life itself.
27. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness that I have received from others.
28. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness that I have received from you.
29. For all the patience, understanding and forgiveness I have received from my family members.
30. For all the narrow escapes I have had.
31. For all the occasions, people, things and situations I have been able to celebrate including birthdays, weddings, Christmases, New years, graduations, promotions, qualifications... etc...etc...
32. For all the cars I have owned and  been able to drive safely.
33. For all the physical travelling I have done in my life so far, and the safety in reaching my destinations.
34. For all the recoveries from stuckness, loss, illness, pain, suffering, mistakes, ignorance or lack that I have experienced.
35. For all the lies and fear I have overcome.
36. For all the opportunities to lead and teach others, that I have been given and used.
37. For all the shared wisdom and joyful experiences I have had with others.
38. For all the difficulties and hard times I have overcome and the ability to turn my negatives into positives.
39. For Christ, Christianity, The bible, The Churches and Christian discipleship.
40. For great mentors to emulate.
 With Love
Rev.Bola A.

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